
Our Vision & Mission

Mission Statement
The Pueblo School Counseling Department implements leadership, advocacy, collaboration, and systemic change to support all students in their academic, career, and social/emotional development.  We value our students’ well-being and are responsive to their needs. We maximize our robust resources and guidance to ensure student equity and access via an excellent and rigorous education. In doing so, all students have the opportunity to experience success by graduating and preparing for life and their diverse post-secondary goals. 

Vision Statement
The Pueblo Counseling Department is committed to cultivate a culture of academic excellence in a safe, supportive environment for its diverse student body daily. The Pueblo Counseling Department believes that: 
  • All students will have the available support and resources to learn
  • All students will be provided with the best quality counseling program that includes academic, career, and social/emotional services
  • All students will be provided with the highest quality and relevant educational experience that supports the post-secondary path of their choice
  • All students will receive guidance to find their purpose and will receive support with the post-secondary path they choose to pursue
  • All students will be encouraged to embrace their cultural and social identity
  • In 15 years, all students will continue to grow as citizens with a respectful and inclusive global mindset, while succeeding in their chosen post-secondary paths
Get To Know Your Counselor
Updated: 8/1/23

Pueblo has school counselors and acollege & career readiness coordinator to assist with high school planning, career choices, information on colleges, scholarships, financial aid, or the special programs and activities that are made available during the year. Also available is the student Family Assistance Team with a social worker to help Pueblo's families.

Our Counselors
Jose Alvarez
Jose Alvarez

Class of 2024 (Seniors)
Contact Jose Alvarez By Email
Book Appointment

Miranda Luna
Miranda Luna
Class of 2025 (Juniors)
Contact Miranda Luna By Email
Book Appointment
Remind: @phswc25 to 81010

Dr. Teresa Toro

Class of 2026 (Sophomores)
Academy Coordinator
Contact Teresa Toro By Email
520-314-7151 (Call or Text)
Book Appointment
Remind: @phswc26 to 81010

Danielle Dillenburg
Danielle Dillenburg

Class of 2027 (Freshmen)
Contact Danielle Dillenburg By Email
Book Appointment

Alexis Campbell

Alexis Campbell
Contact Alexis Campbell By Email
Book Appointment

College & Career Center
Schedule Change & Reduction Request
Updated: 7/20/23

Schedule Change Request Form
Schedule Reduction Request Form

Making a schedule change request and completing this form does not guarantee that the request will be approved.

This form needs to be used after the first 15 days of each semester.