Kick-Off Week
Kick-Off Flyer 2024-25
Attend on your scheduled day & time.
Entrance will be through the doors in front of the Mariachi room in the east building. All stations will be in the Library.
For a successful kick-off experience please...
- Complete online registration for the 2024-2024 school year through ParentVue account. You can call 520-225-4302 if you need assistance.
- Bring your registration documents if you were not able to upload them when completing registration online. Parent/Guardian ID, immunization record, birth certificate & current utility bill are required.
- Come prepared to pay for photos packages, parking permit, yearbook, outstanding fees, athletics fees & fine arts fees. Credit/debit, cash & checks accepted. Fees can also be paid online.
- Only student and parent/guardian need to attend. Families with multiple students may come on the same day assigned to their oldest student.
Extracurricular activities
Athletics: $65
Fine Arts: $50
Parking Permit (Seniors only): $6
Reserved parking space: $25
Duplicate schedule: $1
Replacement ID: $3
School Pictures
School pictures for the Yearbook, IDs & Synergy will be taken FOR ALL GRADES. Picture packages for Grades 9-11 can be purchased for an additional charge. Form available for download online or at station.
Picture Packet Order Form (Grades 9-11)
Class of 2025 Seniors can schedule an appointment for your official yearbook photo with Dodson Photography at 520-790-7923. Book it today! Synergy photo can be used in yearbook if senior portrait not taken at studio.
Class Of 2025 Portraits Flyer
Freshmen Orientation
Welcome Class of 2028! Orientation will be held on the morning of Wednesday, July 31, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Doors open at 9:00). This event is designed as a fun, interactive experience to welcome incoming students to Pueblo.
Students will have the opportunity to:
- Meet administrators, counselors & teachers.
- Walk-through your schedule & meet your teachers.
- Meet club sponsors & athletics coaches.
- Participate in some school spirit activities led by Pueblo Student Council & much more.
Freshmen Orientation Information Flyer
Open House
We look forward to seeing everyone at Open House on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (Doors open at 4:30). We will start with our message from our Principal & Title 1 Information in the Auditorium. Parents & students will then follow class schedule and visit teacher's classrooms. Don't miss a special performance by Mariachi Aztlan at 4:45 p.m.
Open House 2024-25 Information Flyer
Important Links & Downloads
Bell Schedule 2024-25
Text Alerts
Campus Tour & Map
TUSD Calendar 2024-25
• What is Kick-Off Week?
Kick-Off Week is held before the start of the school year. Students & Parents will be able to stop at important stations all in one place to make sure online registration is complete, immunizations are up to date, pay for fees, take picture for ID/Yearbook/Synergy & pick-up schedule. You will have the opportunity to get information on athletics, parent & student programs available to you.
• What if I can't attend on my assigned day?
We understand this will happen. We assign different days to different grades to keep order & shorten wait times. If you can't come on your assigned day, we do offer an all grades make-up day. If you can't make it to that you can come to main office anytime after Kick-Off week to complete the process.
• What if I need a class schedule change?
Counselors will be on hand to help you with this. Remember that there are certain requirements for class schedule changes. There will be forms available at station where you pick up class schedule for other special requests.
• Will I still need to check out a laptop?
Yes, students will be expected to bring laptops to school everyday. A TUSD laptop will be required to complete class work & during testing days.
• Will pictures be taken?
Yes, you will take one picture for Yearbook/Synergy with Dodson Photography. A second picture will be taken for Student ID. Students are expected to carry ID everyday.
Entrance will be through the doors in front of the Mariachi room in the east building. All stations will be in the Library.
Kick-Off Flyer 2024-25
Freshmen Only
July 22, 2024
12:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Sophomores Only
July 23, 2024
2:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Juniors Only
July 24, 2024
2:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Seniors Only
July 25, 2024
2:30 - 6:30 p.m.
All Grades
July 26, 2024
2:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Freshmen Orientation
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Doors open at 9:00 a.m.
For students only.
Freshmen Orientation Information Flyer
Open House
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m.
Open House 2024 Information Flyer
1. Come on your assigned day & time.
2. Completed registration online & bring any necessary documents.
3. Cash or credit card for any applicable fees.
4. Proper attire for Synergy, Yearbook & I.D. pictures.
Process can take between 10-30 minutes to complete.
If you do not have access, please contact our Attendance Office at 520-225-4302.
2. Open Messages
4. Verify or Update information and Submit
More Instructions
Need help completing registration?
The Attendance Office is staffed Monday to Friday from 7AM to 3PM. The phone number is 520-225-4302. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions.
- Parent/Guardian ID
- Immunization record
- Birth certificate
- Current utility bill
TUSD Food Services provides FREE breakfast & lunch to children 18 & under.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email
Robin Zang
Contact Robin Zang By Email
You can also visit:
TUSD Student Health Services
Miguel Sandoval
Contact Miguel Sandoval by Email
ATS Instructions
Brainbook Directions
If you have questions regarding parking passes & ATS Portal you can email:
Susie Ugalde-Vazquez
Contact Susie Ugalde-Vazquez by Email
Bus information can be obtained here:
TUSD Transportation Information
Pueblo College Preparatory Academy
For additional questions contact:
Dr. Teresa Toro
Contact Dr. Teresa Toro by Email
Students will be emailed scholarship information, important events & financial aid opportunities throughout the year.
Order your yearbook online.
Ad spaces available for purchase now.
1/2 Page: $125
1/4 Page: $75
* Limited space & prices subject to change.
More information will be available at Kick-Off.
Eli Lopez
Contact Eli Lopez By Email
Picture packets from Dodson Photography for Grades 9-11 will be available for purchase.
Seniors will be able to talk to Dodson Photography for information on senior portraits. You can call now to make an appointment at 520-790-7923.
Information on available picture packets will also be available for download or at table.
FOR CLASS OF 2025 (Seniors)
Text: @pueblo2025 to 81010
FOR CLASS OF 2026 (Juniors)
Text: @pueblo2026 to 81010
FOR CLASS OF 2027 (Sophomores)
Text: @pueblo2027 to 81010
FOR CLASS OF 2028 (Freshmen)
Text: @pueblo2028 to 81010
Use your ParentVue account to track your child's grades, attendance & assignments. You can also opt in to receive report cards.
Need a schedule change?
Once you have reviewed your schedule, if you would like to request a schedule change or a schedule reduction, you will need to request one by filling out online form. Scan QR Code available at this station.
Schedule changes will generally only be approved for the following reasons:
• Satisfy graduation requirements.
• Replace class taken during summer school or alternative school.
• Request AP, Dual Enrollment, or Honors course.
Schedule reductions will only be approved for students that are on track to graduate. Seniors on track to graduate cannot take fewer than five courses.
Anaid Jordan
Contact Anaid Jordan By Email
Exceptional Education
Sean Borland
Contact Sean Borland By Email

Call 520-225-4302 for assistance during summer hours.
Complete your online registration for quicker process at Kick-Off.