Attendance Policy
Attendance Matters
Updated: 10/7/22
The administration, teachers, attendance clerks and other school staff will work closely with parents and/or guardians to establish regular attendance for all students.
Parents/Guardians may also access class attendance online through ParentVue.
Attendance Appeal
Attendance Appeal Form
When Absent from School
The parent/guardian is expected to call, send a note or text to school on or before the day(s) of the absence.
We have a new way for parents and guardians to contact the Attendance Office to excuse absences when their child is absent. They can TEXT to 520-230-5963. Enter student's name, date of birth, date they were absent and the reason they were absent. It is a text only number and will not accept phone calls or voicemail.
When Absent from School
Per TUSD Governing Board Policy, Student Attendance JE-R, Pueblo High School students will receive No Credit in each class that they are passing at the end of the semester in classes with 10 or more unexcused absences.
When a student is absent from school parents/guardians are expected to call, send a note or an email to the school on or before the day(s) of the absence within 48 hours.
Pueblo must receive notice within 48 hours after your student returns to school; otherwise, it will be considered unexcused.
State law mandates that the school record reasons for all student absences; therefore, Text our attendance office at (520) 230-5963.
All messages must include parent name, student name, student’s date of birth and reason for absence. All absences not authorized and verified by the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be unexcused.
If a student misses half of a class period plus one minute, it is considered an unexcused absence. An absence is defined as a student’s nonattendance in the assigned classroom(s) during the assigned period. The student will be marked absent arriving 1 minute past 50% of the class time.
Students with excessive absences will be referred to Drop-Out Prevention. Excessive Absences: 10% or more of the required attendance days (180 days).
Excessive absence is defined as missing 10% or more of the required attendance days per semester (90 days X 10% = 9 days), excused or unexcused. Per TUSD Governing Board Policy, Student Attendance JE-R, students will receive No Credit in each class that they are passing at the end of the semester in classes with 10 or more unexcused absences. If your son and/or daughter accumulates 10 or more unexcused absences, we strongly encourage you to file an attendance appeal as soon possible. Students may pick up and submit Attendance Appeal forms in the attendance office.

The administration, teachers, attendance clerks and other school staff will work closely with parents and/or guardians to establish regular attendance for all students.
Parents/Guardians may also access class attendance online through ParentVue.
Attendance Appeal
Attendance Appeal Form
When Absent from School
The parent/guardian is expected to call, send a note or text to school on or before the day(s) of the absence.
We have a new way for parents and guardians to contact the Attendance Office to excuse absences when their child is absent. They can TEXT to 520-230-5963. Enter student's name, date of birth, date they were absent and the reason they were absent. It is a text only number and will not accept phone calls or voicemail.
When Absent from School
- Please text the Attendance Office 520-230-5963 between 7:00 and 10:00 AM on the morning of the absence or upon student's return, send a note that includes the student's full name, date of birth, and reason for absence.
- If it is impossible to notify the school prior to the absence, the school must receive notice within 48 hours after the student returns to school. Failure to notify the school within 48 hrs. of the absence will result in the absence being unexcused.
- State law mandates that the school record reasons for all students absences; therefore, all messages must include parent name, student name, date, time and reason for absence.
- Any absence due to illness, vacation, death in the family, religious observance, accident, or other unusual personal circumstances may be excused, provided a message is received from the parents/guardians stating the day, time and reason for the absence. Please DO NOT schedule doctor and/or dental appointments during school hours.
- Students who are 18, may sign themselves out for emergency purposes only if they have a letter of permission from parents on file in the attendance office in advance.
Per TUSD Governing Board Policy, Student Attendance JE-R, Pueblo High School students will receive No Credit in each class that they are passing at the end of the semester in classes with 10 or more unexcused absences.
When a student is absent from school parents/guardians are expected to call, send a note or an email to the school on or before the day(s) of the absence within 48 hours.
Pueblo must receive notice within 48 hours after your student returns to school; otherwise, it will be considered unexcused.
State law mandates that the school record reasons for all student absences; therefore, Text our attendance office at (520) 230-5963.
All messages must include parent name, student name, student’s date of birth and reason for absence. All absences not authorized and verified by the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be unexcused.
If a student misses half of a class period plus one minute, it is considered an unexcused absence. An absence is defined as a student’s nonattendance in the assigned classroom(s) during the assigned period. The student will be marked absent arriving 1 minute past 50% of the class time.
Students with excessive absences will be referred to Drop-Out Prevention. Excessive Absences: 10% or more of the required attendance days (180 days).
Excessive absence is defined as missing 10% or more of the required attendance days per semester (90 days X 10% = 9 days), excused or unexcused. Per TUSD Governing Board Policy, Student Attendance JE-R, students will receive No Credit in each class that they are passing at the end of the semester in classes with 10 or more unexcused absences. If your son and/or daughter accumulates 10 or more unexcused absences, we strongly encourage you to file an attendance appeal as soon possible. Students may pick up and submit Attendance Appeal forms in the attendance office.
- Parents/Guardians will be notified by mail at the end of each quarter if your student accumulates or is close to obtaining 10 unexcused absences in any class.
- The Attendance Appeal committee will review all appeal forms and documentation submitted after the end of each semester. Parents/Guardians will be notified of by mail of all the committee’s decision.