El Dorado
Updated: 2/15/18
Buy yearbook now! A $20 deposit guarantees you a book in the spring.*
An excellent gift for Seniors is a dedication on the yearbook. You can buy a yearbook section for the following prices*:
1 page= $150 - 1/2 page= $75- 1/4 page= $45 - 1/3 page= $60
We have a surplus of past yearbooks in the Business Office. Years available and quantaties vary. Call 225.4402 for more information.
Pueblo Yearbooks

*Prices subject to change without notice. Please call Business Office at 225-4402 for latest price information.
Buy yearbook now! A $20 deposit guarantees you a book in the spring.*
An excellent gift for Seniors is a dedication on the yearbook. You can buy a yearbook section for the following prices*:
1 page= $150 - 1/2 page= $75- 1/4 page= $45 - 1/3 page= $60
We have a surplus of past yearbooks in the Business Office. Years available and quantaties vary. Call 225.4402 for more information.
Pueblo Yearbooks

*Prices subject to change without notice. Please call Business Office at 225-4402 for latest price information.